Neuroscience in Delaware


News and events

The annual Delaware Neuroscience  Symposium –in person for the first time since 2019! 

Friday, October 28, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

The Audion at the STAR Campus

Newark, Delaware

The Delaware Neuroscience Symposium is the premier neuroscience event in Delaware, showcasing the breadth of neuroscience research in Delaware, and opportunities for students, faculty and post-docs to network with neuroscientists across the state. The short talks and poster competition provide an open opportunity for undergraduate, graduate students and post-docs to present their research. A luncheon provides time for networking for researchers at all stages.



(2037 KB PDF Document)

Symposium Agenda:

    9:15  – 11:20 am   Short talks by Delaware neuroscience students & post-docs
    11:25 – 12:25 pm  Lightening talks by Delaware neuroscience students & post-docs
    12:30 – 1:30 pm    Networking lunch
     1:30 – 2:30 pm     Keynote talk “Venturing into axons, from heretical ideas to growth acceleration”  
          Dr. Jeffrey Twiss Professor and SmartState Chair in Childhood Neurotherapeutics, University of South  Carolina
       2:30 – 5:00 pm    Poster session and judging of student posters
       4:30 – 5:00 pm    Poster awards presented in undergraduate, graduate student and post-doc/research staff categories.

Event is free!  Registration per below:
Registration deadline: October 21st, 2022

Funding for the Delaware Center for Neuroscience Research recently renewed by NIH!

             The Delaware Center for Neuroscience Research was established in 2012 with a $10.3 million, five year  “Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE)” award to Delaware State University (DSU) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS).  In 2017 DSU was awarded a second five year $10.9 million grant from NIGMS to fund phase II of the Center. In September 2022, NIGMS awarded DSU a $5.7 million grant to fund the Center for phase III.

         The Delaware Neuroscience Center is a collaboration between DSU and the University of Delaware (UD) that uniquely brings together faculty and research resources from two very different institutions: a minority-serving, undergraduate university with an emerging strength in neuroscience research (DSU), and the state’s flagship research university (UD). The overarching goal of our Center is to create a community of neuroscientists working at multiple scales, from human subjects to rodent and invertebrate models, and support their research to improve our understanding of the dynamic function of the brain.

Program Book - use link from QR Code for access

Read more - Delaware Center for Neuroscience Research
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